THIS is Terra.
To me, Terra is a rockstar. Both visually and at what she does.
Terra is a freelance writer. She and I met at a Women of Focus vendor event a few years ago and the first thing I noticed was her “Docs” (Dr. Martens boots.)
After our fun chat, I almost immediately started digging for my old “Docs” that I had meaning to search out sooner.
Later, we connected at the recommendation of Susan Jefferson of TechCreative Web Design, who was creating my website at the time. Susan suggested that Terra help me with the writing of my site.
Those of you who know me, know that I “think” I can do everything. In my defense, I excelled in English in H.S. and college and I really “thought” I did pretty well when it came to writing. Here’s the thing, writers are good at writing, photographers are good at photography, lawyers are good at law and firefighters are good at fighting fires (we all hope!) Terra, is good at writing.
When we met, I stopped thinking I could do it all and left it to the pro/rockstar. Terra was thorough, friendly and just listened. She was also fun, creative and helped me be the person that I wanted to reflect on my website.
Terra is a freelance writer known for her knack for listening to your story and distilling it into clear and spot-on copy that conveys your passion. She writes for websites, articles, blog posts, brochures, newsletters, and other communications.
Terra’s passion is for words and all forms of storytelling. She fills her personal well with the simple pleasures of life, by quietly sipping wine on her porch, going out dancing until 4AM, raising monarch butterflies, or hiking an Adirondack mountain trail.
As I said, Terra ROCKS and I adore her!
Check her out at:
Until next time, thank you for taking the time to read this, for being a friend to immaginé Photography and for all that you do. I am forever grateful.