Hi Friends! It’s that time again and this month, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Jodi Rosenshein Atkin. She is a fun, spunky, highly intelligent and wonderful woman! When I met and photographed her a few years ago, I knew immediately that we were going to click. It was such a fun shoot and when I found out about her business, I was fascinated. Really! I didn’t even know that this kind of thing existed and thought, “what a great idea!”
A number of years ago, Jodi was faced with the opportunity to completely change her career direction, after decades in the same field. After a lot of soul searching and exploring, she chose to become an independent college admissions counselor. Essentially, Jodi is a person who acts like a “real estate agent” for a family, except instead of helping them find a home that fits their needs, she identifies colleges and universities that are great fits academically, socially, and financially for their student.
As Jodi tells it, “I had a ton of clinical experience in my first career, working with families facing challenges, as well as helping people maximize their potential. As a college advisor, I am energized every single day to identify those places where a student can thrive and succeed (and NOT graduate drowning debt). I get to travel extensively; I have been on 100 campuses in about 10 states since I began this new journey. I work with students locally, as well as remotely (as far away as CA). In a lot of ways, I feel like a matchmaker. There is never “only one” school that fits a student’s goals. There are so many amazing opportunities available that families may not be aware of. Getting to know my students is an essential part of my success. I learn what is important to them: are they culture vultures? Do they crave sporting events in their lives? Are they looking to experience a big city, or are they seeking a quiet, nurturing college town? Finding a best fit college takes morethan identifying the place where your scores and grades fit the admissions criteria. Some students can feel like it is a “Cinderella’s slipper” experience. They walk on campus and it feels like a perfect environment. Others need help in clarifying what they are looking for. It’s not a matter of knowing what career path they want to take. In reality, more than half the jobs the HS class of 2018 will find upon graduation don’t even exist yet! My job is about identifying potential: in students, in schools, in interests and in futures. Colleges create communities and students who thrive find those communities wherethey are able to participate and contribute. Helping students find their place, tell their story and pursue their dreams is amazingly rewarding. And the bonus is that when college choice is a process rather than “the best sweatshirt”, there is growth and possibility instead of stress and fear.”
Seriously now, don’t you agree with me? Certainly not an easy job, especially when you do it as well as Jodi, but definitely very cool!
To connect with or learn more about Jodi Rosenshein Atkin, MA LLC. visit her website at: bestfitcollegechoice.com
Until next time, thank you for taking the time to read this, for being a friend to immaginé Photography and for all that you are.
I am forever grateful.